Better With You
Liner Notes
Label: Stoney Creek Records
Release Date: Jul 30, 2021
Writer: Ashley Gorley
Writer: David Fanning
Writer: Matt Thomas
Producer: David Fanning
Keyboards: Alex Wright
Piano: Alex Wright
Acoustic Guitar: Andrew Goldstein
Keyboards: Andrew Goldstein
Programming: Andrew Goldstein
Background Vocals: Avery Anna
Background Vocals: Barry Knox
Programming: Benjamin Johnson
Programming: Blake Bollinger
Acoustic Guitar: Bryan Sutton
Acoustic Guitar: Corey Crowder
Programming: David Fanning
Bass: Eli Beaird
Drums: Evan Hutchings
Percussion: Evan Hutchings
Acoustic Guitar: Ilya Toshinsky
Electric Guitar: Ilya Toshinsky
Background Vocals: James McNair
Piano: Jeff Roach
Background Vocals: Josh McSwain
Piano: Josh McSwain
Synthesizer: Josh McSwain
Electric Guitar: Justin Ostrander
Steel Guitar: Justin Schipper
Background Vocals: Justin Wilson
Programming: Kenny Barnes
Electric Guitar: Kenny Greenberg
Acoustic Guitar: Kevin Bard
Programming: Kevin Bard
Acoustic Guitar: Kris Donegan
Electric Guitar: Kris Donegan
Piano: Luke Moseley
Bass: Mark Hill
Background Vocals: Matt Thomas
Lead Vocals: Matt Thomas
Background Vocals: Matthew McGinn
Background Vocals: Michael Fitzpatrick
Percussion: Michael Fitzpatrick
Bass: Michael Rinne
Drums: Miles McPherson
Acoustic Guitar: Pat McGrath
Electric Guitar: Rob McNelley
Steel Guitar: Scotty Sanders
Electric Guitar: Sol Littlefield
Background Vocals: Zach Kale
Programming: Zach Kale
Edited: Andrew Goldstein
Engineer: Andrew Goldstein
Mastered: Andrew Mendelson
Edited: Chip Matthews
Engineer: Chris Utley
Engineer: Dan Frizsell
Edited: David Fanning
Engineer: David Fanning
Engineer: David Kalmusky
Mixed: Jim Cooley
Engineer: John Palmieri
Engineer: Kam Luchterhand
Edited: Kenny Barnes
Edited: Kevin Bard
Engineer: Kevin Bard
Edited: Trey Keller
Engineer: Zach Kale
Credits provided by The Liner Notes Project
ISRC: QMRSZ2101307
Monthly Stats
Times played: 35,190
Total Stats
Times played: 1,789,649
Tiktok views: 67,163
Last update: Dec 10, 2024