Ain't That Country

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Ain't That Country

He laughs a little too loud, stays out too late Smokes 'em Reds, drinks too much, bottom shelf whiskey Hunting, cussing, spitting, buring that candle at both ends But ain't that country? He fishes a little more than he reads that King James He searches for God out on the water, just like his Dad did Living, prayin', sinnin', boots in the mud, washed in the blood But ain't that country? There's always a little more month at the end of the money, but he keeps on running Yeah buddy, that's country His heart ain't gold but he loves his woman through wind, rain, and dust storm That's country Oh, it ain't always pretty, sometimes you've gotta get your hands dirty, yeah But ain't that country? Yeah He's done some wrongs, done some rights, won and lost some fights Highs and lows, that's the way it goes It ain't always sweet tea Loving, running, son-of-a-gunning like an old outlaw But ain't that country? Yeah He's a rusted out old four-wheel drive burning up hills, still got by That's country He's red, white and common blue America, he's me he's you That's country, oh Ain't got nothing against the city, just likes his roads dirt and gritty Yeah, ain't that country? Ain't that country? Yeah ♪ Well, there's always a little more month at the end of the money, but he keeps on running Yeah buddy, that's country Ah, his heart ain't gold but he loves his woman through wind, rain and dust storm That's country Ah, it ain't always pretty, sometimes you gotta get your hands dirty, yeah But ain't that country? Ain't that country? Now I laugh a little too loud and stay out too late

Liner Notes

Label: Big Machine Records, LLC

Release Date: Aug 25, 2017

Writer: James T. Slater

Writer: Jaren Johnston

Writer: Neil Mason

Producer: The Cadillac Three

Guitar: Jaren Johnston

Vocals: Jaren Johnston

Lap Steel Guitar: Kelby Ray Caldwell

Drums: Neil Mason

Mastered: Andrew Mendelson

Recording Engineer: Drew Bollman

Recording Engineer: Justin Francis

Mixed: Justin Niebank

Edited: Kenneth D. Keller

Edited: Mark Hagen

Credits provided by The Liner Notes Project

ISRC: USCJY1720133

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Last update: Feb 19, 2025