Baby I'll Wait
Michael Bublé
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Liner Notes
Label: Reprise
Release Date: Mar 18, 2022
Writer: Fraser Churchill
Writer: Greg Wells
Writer: Jason Reeves
Writer: John Mayer
Writer: Michael Bublé
Writer: Nathan Chapman
Executive Producer: Greg Wells
Producer: Greg Wells
Executive Producer: Michael Bublé
Drums: Abraham Laboriel Jr.
Baritone Saxophone: Adam Schroeder
Horn: Adam Wolf
Viola: Adrienne Somerville-Kiamie
Violin: Ahra Cho
Piano: Alan Chang
Bass: Alex Frank
Alto Saxophone: Alex Hahn
Trombone: Alex Iles
Violin: Alison Dods
Trombone: Alistair White
Background Vocals: Allie Feder
Viola: Alma Fernandez
Background Vocals: Alvin Chea
Violin: Alyssa Park
Background Vocals: Andre Washington
Background Vocals: Andrea Jones
Viola: Andrew Duckles
Cello: Andrew Janss
Tuba: Andy Bove
Trumpet: Andy Greenwood
Trombone: Andy Martin
Background Vocals: Angie Fisher
Viola: Ann Beilby
Background Vocals: Anna Schubert
Background Vocals: Anna Sheridan
Violin: Annaliesa Place
Horn: Anne Scharer
Background Vocals: Anthony Parnther
Bassoon: Anthony Parnther
Background Vocals: Arnold Livingston Geis
Background Vocals: Ashley Morgan
Violin: Ashoka Thiagarajan
Background Vocals: Ayo Awosika
Background Vocals: Baraka May Williams
Trumpet: Barry Perkins
Violin: Benjamin Jacobson
Tuba: Blake Cooper
Bass: Bosco Mann
Background Vocals: Briana Lee
Viola: Bruce White
Violin: Camille Miller
Violin: Catherine Sim
Cello: Charles Tyler
Violin: Charlie Bisharat
Violin: Charlie Brown
Bass: Chris Hill
Tenor Saxophone: Chris Sullivan
Cello: Chris Worsey
Cello: Christopher Ahn
Bass: Chuck Berghofer
Violin: Ciaran McCabe
Baritone Saxophone: Claire McInerney
Bass Clarinet: Claire McInerney
Guitar: Clay Sears
Horn: Dan Wions
Bass: Daniel Krekeler
Trumpet: Daniel Rosenboom
Viola: Danielle Farina
Background Vocals: David Daughtry
Bass: David Grossman
Cello: David Heiss
Guitar: David Levita
Background Vocals: David Loucks
Violin: David Southorn
Clarinet: Dean LeBlanc
Viola: Diana Wade
Tuba: Doug Tornquist
Violin: Duoming Ba
Background Vocals: Dylan Gentile
Horn: Dylan Hart
Background Vocals: Edie Lehmann Boddicker
Background Vocals: Elissa Johnston
Violin: Emily Popham
Cello: Eric Byers
Bass: Eric Shetzen
Bass: Erik Kertes
Viola: Erik Rynearson
Violin: Eriko Kano
Violin: Everton Nelson
Violin: Garth Neustadter
Harp: Gayle Levant
Background Vocals: Gerald White
Guitar: Graham Dechter
Bass: Greg Wells
Drums: Greg Wells
Guitar: Greg Wells
Keyboards: Greg Wells
Percussion: Greg Wells
Piano: Greg Wells
Programming: Greg Wells
Bass: Gregg August
Background Vocals: Gregory Fletcher
Trumpet: Harry Ostrander
Flute: Heather Clark
Violin: Hector Falcon
Cello: Hillary Ahn Smith
Background Vocals: Holly Sedillos
Alto Saxophone: Howard McGill
Flute: Howard McGill
Harp: Hugh Webb
Horn: Hugo Valverde
Cello: Ian Burdge
Violin: Ian Humphries
Trombone: Ido Meshulam
Violin: Ina Veli
Viola: Irene Breslaw
Cello: Jacob Braun
Cello: James Douglas
Trumpet: Jamie Hovorka
Keyboards: Jamie Muhoberac
Background Vocals: Jason Morales
Bass: Jeff Carney
Flute: Jenni Olson
Background Vocals: Jennifer Haydn-Jones
Horn: Jennifer Montone
Trombone: Jennifer Wharton
Violin: Jenny Sacha
Background Vocals: Jeremy Silver
Drums: Jim Keltner
Violin: Joanna Maurer
Trombone: Joe Fiedler
Trombone: John Allred
Trombone: Jon Hatamiya
Trumpet: Jonah Levy
Viola: Jonathan Moerschel
Clarinet: Jonathan Sacdalan
Violin: Josefina Vergara
Violin: Josh Henderson
Piano: Josh Nelson
Cello: Julia Bruskin
Violin: Julia Choi
Cello: Julie Jung
Violin: Justin Smith
Viola: Kate Musker
Horn: Katelyn Faraudo
Violin: Kathleen Sloan
Violin: Kay Stephan
Violin: Kelly Cho
Background Vocals: Kevin Dorsey
Violin: Krzysztof Kuznik
Violin: Kuan Cheng Lu
Cello: Kyeyoung Kwon
Horn: Laura Brenes
Background Vocals: Laurhan Beato
Oboe: Lelie Resnick
Trombone: Lemar Guillary
Clarinet: Liam Burke
Viola: Linnea Powell
Trumpet: Louis Dowdeswell
Violin: Luanne Homzy
Viola: Luke Maurer
Guitar: Lyle Workman
Violin: Magnus Johnston
Violin: Marianne Haynes
Violin: Mario DeLeon
Violin: Marisa Kuney
Trombone: Mark Frost
Violin: Mark Robertson
Background Vocals: Markita Knight
Clarinet: Martin Williams
Flute: Martin Williams
Tenor Saxophone: Martin Williams
Alto Saxophone: Matt Richards
Violin: Megan Shung
Viola: Meredith Crawford
Guitar: Michael Landau
Background Vocals: Michael Lichtenauer
Piano: Michael Mitchell
Piano: Michael Pollack
Violin: Michele Richards
Trumpet: Mike Cottone
Horn: Mike McCoy
Bass: Mike Valerio
Viola: Molly Carr
Viola: Monica Davis
Background Vocals: Monique Donnelly
Violin: Natalia Bonner
Violin: Natalie Leggett
Violin: Neel Hammond
Background Vocals: Nelson Beato
Trombone: Nichol Thomson
Programming: Nicholas Jacobson-Larson
Trombone: Nick Daley
Trombone: Nick Lee
Violin: Nicky Sweeney
Background Vocals: Nita Whitaker
Violin: Patrick Kiernan
Violin: Paul Cartwright
Cello: Paula Hochhalter
Clarinet: Pavel Vinnitsky
English Horn: Pedro Diaz
Trombone: Phillip Keen
Flute: Rachel Mellis
Percussion: Rafael Padilla
Tenor Saxophone: Ramsey Castaneda
Background Vocals: Randy Crenshaw
Viola: Reiad Chibah
Background Vocals: Reid Bruton
Violin: Richard George
Background Vocals: Rick Logan
Trumpet: Rob Schaer
Violin: Roberto Cani
Clarinet: Rory Mazella
Keyboards: Ross Stanley
Cello: Ru-Pei Yeh
Drums: Russ Miller
Guitar: Rusty Anderson
Trumpet: Ryan DeWeese
Trumpet: Ryan Quigley
Bass: Ryan Shaw
Oboe: Ryan Walsh
Violin: Sang Wook Bahng
Violin: Sara Parkins
Background Vocals: Sarah Lynch
Violin: Sarah Thornblade
Bass: Sean Hurley
Violin: Shalini Vijayan
Background Vocals: Sharon Youngblood
Viola: Shawn Mann
Background Vocals: Shelley Scarr
Viola: Shmuel Katz
Alto Saxophone: Simon Marsh
Clarinet: Simon Marsh
Flute: Simon Marsh
Violin: Songa Lee
Viola: Stefan Smith
Clarinet: Stuart Clark
Violin: Suzanne Ornstein
Background Vocals: Suzanne Waters
Violin: Tamara Hatwan
Flute: Tara O'Connor
Horn: Teag Reaves
Bass: Thomas Harte
Background Vocals: Tiffany Smith
Cello: Timothy Loo
Background Vocals: Toiya Barnes
Violin: Tom Pigott-Smith
Clarinet: Tom Richards
Flute: Tom Richards
Tenor Saxophone: Tom Richards
Trumpet: Tom Walsh
Guitar: Tommy Emmerton
Trombone: Trevor Mires
Cello: Vanessa Freebairn-Smith
Drums: Victor Indrizzo
Violin: Warren Zielinski
Cello: Wendy Sutter
Background Vocals: Will Goldman
Background Vocals: Will Wheaton
Violin: Yurika Mok
Flute: Zac Zinger
Mastered: Brian Lucey
Mixed: Greg Wells
Recording Engineer: Greg Wells
Recording Engineer: Joe Chiccarelli
Credits provided by The Liner Notes Project
ISRC: USRE12100763
Monthly Stats
Times played: 31,107
Total Stats
Times played: 5,018,015
Tiktok views: 22,995
Last update: Feb 19, 2025