I Go Through

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I Go Through

That ivory tower's looking tattered and tired 'round the eyes Ain't getting much sleep at night My daddy told me, "Politicians never learn the golden rule Do unto others as you'd have them do to you" But you go 'round and around it You go over and under I go through Food on the table, running car, and tuck my kids in at night The American Dream in real life, yeah My mom's an angel, cigarette smoke like a halo 'round her hair Sun is shining right behind her standing there You go 'round and around it You go over and under I go through You go 'round and around it You go over and under I go through You break my legs, then make me walk You seal my lips, then demand I talk You blind my eyes, then ask me if I like what you drew Yeah, you do You go 'round and around it You go over and under I go through Oh, through, oh ♪ My kid, he asked me, "Daddy, when you coming home to me from work?" If I'm being honest, man, that hurt So I go 'round and around it I go over and under He goes through ♪ You break my legs, then make me walk You seal my lips, and demand I talk You blind my eyes, then ask me if I like what you drew Yeah, you do You go 'round and around it You go over and under I go through I go 'round and around it I go over and under She goes through We go 'round and around it We go over and under We go through

Liner Notes

Label: Concord Vanguard

Release Date: Jun 3, 2016

Composer(s): Nathan Paul Chapman, Marc Roberge

ISRC: USC4R1601370

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Last update: Jan 14, 2025