Into The Wild

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Into The Wild

Drown me in slow motion Steal the breath I'm holding You could take it with your smile Chase me in the darkness Kiss me like you're heartless Then run away and hide 'Cause I'll follow you Into the wild Roll me like the thunder Let me feel your hunger For me tonight When your heart is broken I'll suck out all the poison When the viper bites And I'll follow you Into the wild Into the wild And I'll follow you Into the wild Into the wild I won't change you I won't tame you I won't change you I won't tame you, no I can be your landslide And you can be my fault line Let's jump and shake the earth 'Cause I'll follow you Into the wild Into the wild And I'll follow you Into the wild Into the wild Into the wild (change you) Into the wild (tame you) Into the wild (change you) (Tame you) (Change you) Into the wild (tame you)

Liner Notes

Label: Universal Music Group

Release Date: Jan 12, 2018

Writer: Chris Lord-Alge

Writer: Jon Nite

Writer: Nathan Chapman

Writer: Phillip Phillips

Producer: Nathan Chapman

Producer: Ryan Hadlock

Mixed: Chris Lord-Alge

Mastered: Joe Nino-Hernes

Mastered: Ted Jensen

Credits provided by The Liner Notes Project

ISRC: USUG11701960

Monthly Stats

Times played: 4,863

Total Stats

Times played: 1,400,794

Last update: Dec 11, 2024