Mirror, Mirror

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Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, mirror on the wall Who is the biggest fool of all? I bet you could take a guess All you gotta do is reflect Mirror, mirror on the wall Mirror, mirror on the wall Well, this just can't be it all How about taking things too far? And shattered her heart Mirror, mirror on the wall I can't see the world she's been dreaming 'Cause all that I see is that old red Chevy and her leaving So mirror, mirror on the wall Show me her in the early fall Back when her eyes ran deep With all the love for me Mirror, mirror on the wall ♪ I can't see the world she's been dreaming 'Cause all that I see is that old red Chevy and her leaving So mirror, mirror on the wall Could you be my crystal ball? Do I get her back where she belongs Or am I full of stares too long At the mirror on the wall?

Liner Notes


Release Date: Apr 27, 2018

ISRC: TCADM1875950

Monthly Stats

Times played: 625,679

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Times played: 23,010,092

Tiktok views: 1,485,694

Last update: Feb 19, 2025